The 5th International MiECT Symposium in Conjunction with the CSCP Spring Meeting will be held on June, 16th-19th, 2022 at Prince of Wales Hotel, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada.
PROPOSED ACCOMMODATION: Prince of Wales Hotel Reservations
Individual Reservation (Attendee Call-In)
In order to receive the Group Rates, the Attendees shall confirm their reservations by contacting the Hotel’s Reservations Department at 1-888-669-5566 and requesting “Reservations” or through the Hotel’s website
(Please enter the Property, Event Start Date and Group ID number [3250640] in the box to access your group rates) at least forty-five (45) days prior to the Event Start Date (the “Reservation Deadline”), identifying themselves as Attendees of the Group and the Event Name, the date upon which the Attendee will be checking into the Hotel (the “Arrival Date”) and the date that the Attendee will be checking out of the Hotel (the “Departure Date”) and shall provide a guarantee by way of major credit card accepted by the Hotel, cash or debit. Please note that the Hotel does not accept personal cheques.
Accommodation is not included in registration fee.
For individuals who are unfamiliar with this region, please note when booking Airport transportation that your destination will be “Niagara-on-the-Lake”
Perfusionist (after May 10): $550.00 CAD
Physician (after May 10): $550.00 CAD
Perfusion Student/Nurse/Resident (after May 10): $450.00 CAD
Corporate Attendee (after May 10): $650.00 CAD
Fees include participation to the symposium / the typical symposium breaks (Welcome Wine and Cheese Reception on Thursday, June 16th – Breaks and Exhibits – Lunch with Exhibitors – Dinner on Saturday, June 18th) / Breakfast Sessions / certificate of attendance.
Online Form of Registration:
Professor of Anaesthesiology, Director Cardiac Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, UWO, London, Ontario, Canada, Executive Board MiECTiS
Dear colleagues,
The Canadian Society of Clinical Perfusion and the Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circuit Technology International Society is excited to announce the organization of the 5th International MiECT Symposium in conjunction with the CSCP Spring meeting that will take place in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, June 16 to 19th, 2022. After cancelling our previous meetings due to COVID restrictions, we are glad to get back to an in-person-only meeting agenda.
This joint meeting will enhance our knowledge of minimally invasive extracorporeal technology technologies and practices in Canada while bridging initiatives of both our Societies. Abstracts for the conference will be published in the journal Perfusion, while the meeting itself will be recorded and distributed on CTSNet.
We have a packed agenda, as leading experts in the field of MiECT will give their views on using the technology. The results of the CoMICs Trial (the large, multicentre randomized controlled trial comparing minimal invasive (MiECC) to conventional extracorporeal circulation (CECC) will be presented for the first time. In addition, a special session on Sunday will focus on what we have learned about the effects of COVID from centers in Canada and abroad. We hope this Symposium will generate much discussion and excitement. Furthermore, representatives from the major companies involved in MiECT will be actively participating through their exhibits and sponsored sessions.
The ultimate goal of the meeting is to form a multidisciplinary forum of experts who will present, discuss and teach the best available evidence to the broader cardiac specialties team in an engaging atmosphere.
We invite you all to attend this Symposium at the beautiful Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara-on-the Lake. Rooms and spaces are limited as we expect to sell out, so please register early to save disappointment.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Niagara-on-the-Lake and helping us make this meeting a huge success.
5th International MiECT Symposium in Conjunction with the CSCP Spring meeting
June 16-19, 2022 | Prince of Wales Hotel | Niagara-on-the-Lake
DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: 20/05/2022 Late submissions will not be accepted. All abstracts will be reviewed and scored by the Scientific Committee. Abstracts accepted for the meeting will be available for on-line viewing and will be published in Perfusion. All abstracts will be highlighted with a 10 minute poster and/or oral presentation on June 16 from 1800 to 2100 during the Symposium. Guidelines for Submission The Abstract body should have a maximum of 250 words and must be written in Microsoft Word. Abstract with more than 250 words will be rejected automatically. The font should be Arial 12. Abstract Identifier should include the following elements: Summary Title (All capital letters). Authors (in lowercase letters). Affiliation (with lowercase letters). University or Hospital, City, State, Country Abstract should consist of the following: • Background • Methods • Results • Conclusions INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING ABSTRACT As soon as the online submission is completed the submitter will receive an automated confirmation email. After submission, changes and corrections to the abstract will be accepted until the deadline for abstract submission. After May 20th 2022, abstracts will be evaluated, and the submitter will receive a final confirmation e-mail of the acceptance or rejection of the abstract. In case confirmation is not received by email, please contact us via email at