Οn behalf of MiECTiS Board of Directors we invite you to actively participate at “MiECTiS Live 2020” Global Web Meeting, which will take place on Friday December 4th, 2020 at 18:00-22:30 Greek local time (17:00-21:30 CET). The event will be submitted for live broadcasting by CTSNet.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic conditions, the 4th MiECT Symposium was postponed and scheduled for June 24th-26th, 2021 in Canada. Thus, MiECTiS opted for an event so as to bridge its activities. “MiECTiS Live 2020” will be an open web meeting from the Society aiming to provide an update on MiECTiS initiatives as well as on MiECT advancements. Short presentations will be followed by comments from the panel of experts and the industry. Live audience is urged to participate with comments and questions.
We hope this event will contribute to keep active the network that has been formed on MiECT and it will ultimately provide the scientific background for the upcoming 4th MiECT Symposium. We are looking forward to your valuable contribution and we aim for a fruitful and productive web meeting.